Monday, August 23, 2010

Singapore Blogger that Demand free meals at Restaurant

Just read a post about a Singapore Blogger, Brad Lau( his blog is ladyironchef), that Demand free meals at Restaurant.

According to
The blogger in question, Brad Lau, who runs a food blog called ladyironchef, had informed the management on Friday that he would be coming down to review the Sunday Brunch promotion. ...The restaurant eventually offered to waive off the cost of the meal for him and his partner as well as the cost of the champagne out of goodwill, thus lowering the bill to $159.

Still upset but finally relenting to pay, the blogger then threw his credit card onto the bar counter in front of the cashier before storming out.

Can't beleive it!!! Imagine asking a few friend to join in for a meat, and spend a few hundred dollars. Next ask for FREE , errrrrrr, because and because he is so call a famous "food blogger" (and the blog seems to have an award or what, the organiser should do something about it, isn't it). Why not schedule every meals to 1 restaurant, ask your auntie, uncle, old friends, new friends, ah boy, ah girl and ... for the Free meals. Save quite a lot from it, yar...

What a shame ! What an arrogant guy !

More about this arrogant "Brad Lau" at
disgraceful food blogger demand free food from restaurant ...
You can see his photo and even his address from the link above.

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