Friday, April 23, 2010

Cut Mother tongue weighting in PSLE

While browsing around the web today, read from a forum that "someone" suggest to cut Mother tongue weighting in PSLE.

Forum link :

Frankly, I am not so sure who is the "someone", and don't bother to dig out more.

I just hope that MOE can look into this matter seriously.

Sometimes, I just feel that policy maker don't really take ownership of what they implement. Is there a mechanism in place that can track who is the one who suggest something, implement it and "FAIL"? So will necessary action being carried out for such "FAIL" implementation?

Or, who care, after implemented, it take a few years to prove it. Who remember "WHO" has said what ... Just create an impact now Zzzzzzz

1 comment:

  1. (1) We must emphasize Mother Tongue. I suggest 3 extra hours for this subject for all Primary School kids.

    (2) We mush emphasize Maths. I suggest 3 extra hours for this subject for all Primary School kids.

    (3) We must emphasize Science. I suggest 3 extra hours for this subject for all Primary School kids.

    (4) We must emphasize English. I suggest 3 extra hours for this subject for all Primary School kids.

    You see,
    health(physical, mental, psychological)

    friendhip, love of humanity,

    responsibility, accountability,

    courage, risk-taking,

    moral values, etc

    can wait till they retire in about 2070.

    Is this is clear?
